The senior superlatives tradition has returned for another year, as the third quarter begins. Multiple accounts have appeared on Instagram, each now competing for the confidence, trust, and support of the student body.
The roster is composed of @slhsseniorsuperlatives25, @actual_2025slhs_superlative, @darealslakessuperlative25, @slakesseniorsuperlatives2025, and @mostlikelytosoar.
@slhsseniorsuperlatives25 is assumed to be the first account made, however after some time, it appeared that the nominations and winners on said account were limited to certain social groups and cliques. This led to accusations of biased polls, considering the subjects of the accounts posts and the transparency of the poll results. The account still maintains its 467 followers.
@actual_2025slhs_superlative appeared second, expressing itself as a more honest and transparent account. Although it’s not verified to be significantly more diverse or transparent with its nominations, it is transparent with its polls showing the results with each winner. The account has gained 467 followers.
On the lower end in terms of popularity are @mostlikelytosoar with 302 followers, @slakesseniorsuperlatives2025 with 158 followers, and @darealslakessuperlative25 with 120 followers.
Two joke accounts spawned out of the mess: @zlhszuperlatives2025 and @sl25_superlative_superlatives. @zlhszuperlatives2025 is an account presenting an extra terrestrial intergalactic alternate version of South Lakes High School, featuring entertaining polls about “greatest threats to the galaxy,” “worst spaceship pilot,” or “zimbliest gleep,” as well as alien versions of students in each poll providing them edited names such as MP Wacky & Xordan Scoff, and images with bizarre pigments, extra, enlarged or shrunken, limbs, eyes, noses, antennas, etc… Over its short time on the roster, the account has reached 95 followers.
@sl25_superlative_superlatives is an account dedicated to the task of cataloguing and conducting the polls for the variety of SLHS superlative accounts, indubitably made as a response to this year’s plentiful supply. The account has created polls such as most mysterious account owner and best profile picture, hopefully encouraging harsher competition between each account. This account has reached 151 followers.
Additions have slowed down through February, as well as posts from the superlative accounts. Overall, this year’s surplus of accounts has granted ample entertainment to the student body with participation from not just seniors but underclassmen as well, providing the possibility of repetition in the coming year and many years to come.