The fan favorite Netflix series, Love on the Spectrum, returned with season two on January 19, 2024. The show follows seven young adults with autism who join a dating group to explore the world of romance while figuring out how they want to live. The individuals that star in the series are from all different places in the USA and go on adventures with their date. Through season two, the show follows six main couples and their relationship. It currently has two full seasons with a total of 13 episodes all together.
The fan favorite couple Abbey and David are currently going strong after meeting each other at a zoo in season one. All the other couples aren’t having as much success, and are single at the moment. Abbey got lucky. She and David connected over their similarities and interests in animals. This show has many great reviews and an overall rating of 8.2/10 stars, and has become very popular this month.
The director and co-creator Cian O’Clery got the idea of Love on the Spectrum from working on an Australian show named Employ Me. Employ me follows people with neurological disabilities trying to find a passion and a job. O’Clery stated that many people enjoy Love on the Spectrum because it is honest, relatable, and has touched people’s hearts. Many people want to be a part of it and the show wants to try to help people with autism find true love.
Love on the Spectrum has recently become popular because it shares the stories of people with autism working to find their soulmate. Many people like that it feels like an authentic romance show without premade scripts. Overall, The series shows a different perspective on life and opens the audience’s eyes.