Superpowers in the real world…is it possible?

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Usually the really cool powers are strictly for Hollywood, but as humans we can have something close also known as ESP or Extrasensory Perception defined as all that involves awareness of information about events external to the self not gained through the senses and not deducible from previous experience. Basically psychic power.

It sounds completely ridiculous, but many people stand by legitimacy of ESP as something real with hundreds of cases of “the gift” being used by various people. In 1898, Morgan Robertson published “Futility,” a novel about a huge luxury liner called the Titan. The story allegedly came to him in a sort of trance. In the novel, the ship zips through dense fog late one April night, crashes into an iceberg and sinks, killing hundreds of people. Fourteen years later, the Titanic, similar in size and structure to the fictional ship, did exactly this, at the same time of year, under the same conditions. Similar events to this have occurred over and over again. Despite there being a mountain of evidence backing up psychic behavior, scientists still have no idea how it works. Some speculate that it’s just an additional sense that humans simply have little use for. Others say, it’s leftover energy from a parallel universe to ours. What do you say?