SLHS football is first FCPS team to have games cancelled after 11 players test positive for COVID

Image via Dan Abraham on Twitter

Last week, South Lakes varsity and junior varsity saw what might amount to a devastating end to their season. The team was informed that there had been 11 positive COVID tests within the program. This meant that the team was forced to cancel their next two games, at home against Washington-Liberty and on the road at Langley. The Seahawks are not necessarily eliminated from the playoffs, but many things must go right in order for them to qualify. The Seahawks are the first team in Fairfax County to see its season put on hold due to multiple positive tests within the program.


Reports confirmed that the Seahawks would be dormant for the next two weeks at minimum. The Seahawks were 3-1 before these cancellations and were looking like strong frontrunners to make the playoffs. This most definitely throws a wrench into those aspirations. 


However, there is hope for the Seahawks to qualify for the postseason. The “Plus One” rule, which was implemented for this very reason, might come in handy. This rule states that the team may have a game that is similar to a bowl game in college football. This would be held on April 8-10, three days after South Lakes would be permitted to resume team activities. 


Going into the season, a big concern for coaches and players alike was being smart and safe throughout the season in order to keep playing. The biggest difficulty for the coaches is managing all these players and making sure that they are remaining vigilant in their efforts to be responsible and staying out of troubling situations with the virus. 

The program is back on April 9, but concerns regarding the future of the season have not been fully resolved.