It is during our teenage years that we often mistake youthful energy and high metabolism as tiger blood pumping through our veins. Our minds fall prey to the stereotype that just because we are young and strong, we are invincible to injuries or illnesses that are, quite frankly, completely avoidable.
And after sustaining a concussion, broken finger, numerous muscle strains, and most recently, a knee injury, I would say I am a limping example of the need to keep your body healthy.
According to the Children’s Hospital of Boston, around 20% of children and teen sport participants are injured each year, equaling about 3.5 million injuries per year, with one out of every four considered serious.
That is about 875,000 serious sports related injuries among kids like us per year.
This gets me wondering, is it lack of awareness or simple carelessness that is causing such high numbers?
While of course some injuries in contact sports are undoubtedly bound to happen, here are some simple methods to protect yourself and lessen the risk of serious injury.
First and foremost, know the sport you are participating in. If you are new to the game, read up on the rules and equipment of the sport beforehand so when time comes to play, you are not tackling someone on the basketball court.
So maybe that was a little exaggerated, but the point is still the same. Rules are there to protect the players. Stay educated on them.
Another tip is to properly warm up before a game. Loosening up your muscles significantly lessens the chances of straining or tearing them. Take the time to stretch. It is worth it in the end.
And with every warm up comes a cool down, leading into the last tip.
Do not overwork your body. If a train runs full speed 100% of the time, it is going to run out of fuel long before it is due to.
The most vital part ofgrowing as an athlete derives from knowing how far to push your body, and even more importantly, when to refresh it.
Provided my experience in this process, do me a favor and take these tips to heart. Keep playing and stay healthy Seahawks.