The other day I was minding my own business walking to class when I heard something that really disturbed me.
Someone, who I can only assume was a freshman, was speaking in texting acronyms.
Like OMG please do not just say “LOL” if you think something is funny. You are not even laughing, you are just saying it. It completely defeats the purpose of the acronym.
The best thing is when someone texts you an acronym like HWYLTGABS and they expect you to know it means, “Hey, would you like to grab a burrito sometime?”
How am I supposed to know what that means?
This is not to say we should just stop texting and only talk on the phone, because, do not get me wrong, I am an avid texter myself.
However, I will also be one of the first people to admit that it is pathetic how awful teenagers’ grammar and spelling have become.
That brings me to my next point. People, “you’re” means you are. “Your” is the possessive form of you.
I understand that this is obviously very confusing but seriously, it is not that difficult to get right.
There are also the people, like my own mother, who text as if they are writing formal letters to President Obama.
I really do not think you need to use perfect grammar and capitalization if you are just telling me to pick up some milk from the store.
But hey, I love you Mom.
And just for clarification, I mean I love you, not “ily.”
While I am ranting about things that bother me over text, let me address the people WhO tExT jUsT LiKe ThIS. NO OnE wAnTs To ReAd ThIs.
Can you imagine if everyone just started talking like that? The world would become an annoying and exhausting place.
So what have we learned from this? Please do not EvEr, eVeR talk like this unless you are a 14-year-old girl. Oh, and PDMUALT.
You could not understand that could you? See.
But, hey, I am just trying to make the world a better place, one rant at a time.