“Chess club will meet after school this Thursday in Room 286.”
Everyone who hears this has to make some kind of joke pertaining to the announcement.
I do not get it.
Who decided that the chess club would be the target for mockery? I do not know how many of you hooligans, and you know exactly who you are, have actually played a real game of chess. It is actually pretty difficult.
Of course, it is like any other game where a player can get lucky and make all the right moves resulting in victory, but when you get down to it, it is much harder than it looks.
So if chess people are so smart, why are they the ones who are laughed at? Who decided that intelligent people would be ridiculed?
It just does not make any sense if you think about it.
The first thing that comes to mind is the term “dumb jock.” Do not get me wrong. I do not have anything against athletes, but while I am thinking about it, it makes more sense for the jerk to be made fun of more than the chess club “geeks.”
I am also not implying that all athletes are not intelligent. I am only going along with the stereotype.
But anyways, back to what I was saying.
Who decided that nerds would be nerds? Most of them are about twice as smart as the ones who are picking on them.
It just proves how truly screwed up our society is.
What is my point exactly? Stop hating on the chess club. You should never underestimate the power of intelligence.
And I am not just saying this because I want to join….