A democracy is a form of government in which we vote people into office to represent us. Everyone in government is there for us, the people.
If you are elected to an office, it should be assumed that there are standards for behavior that clearly show what is acceptable and unacceptable.
But right now it seems like our elected officials could care less about this standard. Off the top of my head I can name out a handful of officials who have made fools of themselves and this country through their scandalous behavior. There is the recent Anthony Weiner in the House, John Edwards, and David Vitter (he never did resign.)
And then there is Bill Clinton… The list goes on.
You see, my issue right now is that it seems like our politicians are acting like classless celebrities. Tabloids used to only display pictures of celebrities with ridiculous captions like “Justin Timberlake on Crack” or “Brittney Spears has affair with Osama Bin Laden,” but now politicians appear in these magazines.
Our founding fathers did not create the Constitution, creating government as we know it, to have men and women representing us embezzling money and taking sexually-explicit photos of themselves and using social media to show their photos.
Something must be done about this. What happened to integrity, principle, and all those traits many of our politicians claimed to have had.
Politicians are supposed to be role models. They are supposed to be people that the younger generation can look up to and admire and people that average Americans respect. But, lying and cheating is not a respectable trait.
The Anthony Weiner story is tragic. But what is worse is the fact that politicians like David Vitter still hold their seats in office. All over the news we see people ranting about how “Democratic House member Anthony Weiner must resign.”
Although I agree that it would probably be a good decision for him and his family, it seems like this is becoming a partisan issue when the issue is fundamental.
In both parties we have politicians without integrity who do not belong. We should not take a partisan look at corruption in government. If Weiner must resign so should Vitter who paid his prostitutes, thus actually breaking the law. They both have violated the code of integrity.
This issue has gone beyond rare instances. It has become an infection in our government that needs to be taken care of as soon as possible.