The new and improved Reston Town Center!

Image via WTOP

Image via WTOP


Reston Town Center is currently under construction for a better, more modern, and contemporary space. Expanding the area for more outdoorsy activities will take quite a while to finish, but the end result will surely be worth the wait. 


Boston properties plans on spending millions on renovating the common area. It is estimated to take almost 18 months for the project to be completed. 


The ice skating rink is currently blocked off, and is going to be turned into an open turf area for entertainment. There will also be new fire pits, space for events, a deck and stage for performances, and outdoor seating.


The main focus is the central gathering space. Since there are so many restaurants and clothing stores already built, the goal of this project is to make more space for convenient sitting areas. 


The original upper base and structure of the mercury statue will remain the same in the fountain area. However, there will be new seating, landscaping, and greenery added.


With all of the restaurants, stores, and office space that make up most of Reston town center, there isn’t any room to take a seat. After construction is completed, there will be more space to dine, have fun, and relax. 


Even with all the remodeling being done, the center will still remain one of the best places to go in Reston. The new modifications will not only improve public space, but it will keep its title as a wonderful place for entertainment.


Renovations at Reston Town Center will bring in a lot of new things, but the ability to have fun and enjoy time spent at the restaurants or stores in the area will last. This first big makeover in 30 years will be nothing less than a great improvement.