Will this be another bummer summer? – Governor supports summer learning

Image via Center for Student Success – NAPSA

An already unfortunate year for school during the COVID-19 pandemic may turn into an unfortunate summer for some.


Virginia Governor Ralph Northam says he will declare his support for broadening the school year into summer in order to guarantee the commonwealth’s kids are ready for the following school year. The subject of changing to an all year approach for school with the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) came up in early February during a board meeting. 


Despite the high number of cases, Governor Northam wants to see kids back in school as soon as possible. Fairfax County wants kids back in school by the 16th of March doing concurrent learning. Mr. Northam says that in order to get students back in the classroom, Virginia’s schools need federal relief to be able to do so safely, using equipment and sanitation amid the coronavirus pandemic. He wants to provide additional educational support through summer classes, not a direct extension of current classes.

Virginia Department of Education allowed to cancel SOL exams after federal waiver | 13newsnow.com
VDOE – Image via WVEC

 “He will also be calling on localities to offer in-person instructional opportunities over the summer. This will not be a statewide mandatory summer school,” officials clarified. Fairfax County has not stated whether they will be providing additional programs in the summer. Virginia Beach School Board has already moved into talks about expanding their budget to improve summer programming.


Whether or not school will be offered this summer, questions still linger about the next year: Will it be virtual, concurrent, or in person?