SOL testing plan for 2021

Image via NBC29

With 2020, there has been a lot of uncertainty, and with this uncertainty, school has been no exception to this. It started in March 2020 when school was cancelled. The students thought school would be gone for a few weeks at the most, however, little did they know, school would be closed the rest of the year and well into the next. With school being cancelled last year both SOL and IB tests were cancelled almost immediately.


This year, there has been even more uncertainty. With constantly changing dates and scheduled return times always being moved around, many students feel lost and do not know what will happen throughout the rest of the year. Virginia cancelled the spring SOLs in 2020, and abandoned their initial plan to have them in the fall.


State Superintendent James F. Lane waived all requirements, making all state tests optional. Lane says that the choice to take SOLs is now up to individual counties and students can still get verified credits without taking the tests. As of right now, the tests are scheduled to take place as normal for students in FCPS schools. Students who do not take some local test in certain subjects will have to take at least one SOL to get credit.


Many students still feel lost about what will happen and do not know what to do in terms of the usual end of year tests that take place, as they have not had their regular preparations by this point in the year.