FCPS conference with superintendent
High school journalists from across Fairfax County gathered in a conference room to ask Superintendent Karen Garza questions about issues that matter to them. These issues included forecasted budget cuts, inclement weather policies, suicide prevention techniques, gender discrimination, and overpopulation issues.
According to Garza, FCPS has seen the current budget crisis coming for a long time. FCPS costs grow faster than its funding. Since last year, its ESOL program has expanded by 23 percent. In order to avoid cutting programs vital to the curriculum, class sizes have increased instead.
Another issue Garza addressed was the poor handling of inclement weather last year which resulted in the hashtag ‘#closeFCPS’ trending worldwide on twitter. This year, she says, FCPS will err on the side of caution. If a dangerous situation is possible, school is likely to be closed or delayed.
Students were also concerned about higher than average teen suicide rates in the county. FCPS is working to change this. All staff now takes training in order to recognize and prevent student suicide.
The conference helped student journalists develop an understanding of the issues that FCPS is facing and currently tackling.