Returning to class after a long weekend is always hard, especially when faced with the looming end to the third quarter. Homework is important again, functioning before noon is essential, and students are expected to pay attention to something besides a television for multiple hours.
The silver lining is that school begins the day after Easter, which means that many students spent time with family and eating festive meals. At the very least there should have been jelly beans.
This year I received a full-blown gift basket courtesy of the Easter Bunny. While I am no longer young enough to participate in an Easter Egg Hunt, the fact that my parents took their time to create an Easter basket for me is still endearing. As my grandmother says, even adults like chocolate bunnies.
Going back into school, I know that I can count on my half eaten bunnies at home to brighten my day and take the edge off my stress. My advice for all people suffering from back-to-school stress is to invest in a chocolate bunny. If you did not receive one this year, or simply already ate yours, then go out and buy one. Nothing says post-Easter like half off chocolate rabbits.