Students have recently been faced with the terror of an inch of snow, which means that hundreds of new drivers must learn how to park in between the unseen lines of the parking lot.
Yesterday many students were flustered and angry about how other people could not park like normal people. However, let’s face the fact that most students who complain about other people’s parking abilities have also had their own bad days of parking, even when there is not snow blocking your view.
If your car is straddling the lines then learn how to park directly next to a car, at an appropriate distance, and not out and away from everyone else so that you mess up the parking spaces. Do not feel embarrassed to get out, circle the car, and see if it is actually between the lines of the parking space.
Worse comes to worse just let it go and park next to the guy that treats the lines as a balance bar for his overtly large SUV. A bad time parking is no reason for a long day of complaining about how other people cannot park and that is why you had to park over the lines yourself.